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My Life in Boxes

Comforted by the all too realistic memory of her late husband Teddy, Elise continues life like he never left, until, he suggests a deadly truth: either ghosts exist or there is something wrong with her. She then must choose, receive treatment and lose Teddy forever, or hoard her memories, hoard their love, and let her illness consume her. My Life in Boxes is a beautiful, fragmented story explored both through text and circus, expertly woven throughout this bittersweet journey.


October 2014


The Substation

a nugget of something special

Jordan Beth Vincent, The Age

My Life in Boxes is an absolute gem. It reminded me of all the things I love about live performance. It uses every element of production (circus, script, sound track, performance, set) to tell a heartfelt and important story in an extraordinary way

Nina Barry-Macaulay, theatremaker and dramaturg

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